Monday, January 16, 2012

death to meatballs

OK, I don't know who reads my occasional posts. And personally I don't know why you would. Anyway, I really don't know what's going on with me. I seem to be getting worse, even though I've tried new things that are clinically proven to help depressed people. My siste3r asked me the other day what causes me to get worse? what are you doing differently or not doing differently? I told her I did not know, that I was was trying to do things to help..I'm more sad..for what I don't know. I cry more. for what I don't know. My body is in a lot of constant physical pain, why I don't know.ok, I'm done writing for now, my computer is being stupid. please pray. again. ugh.


  1. Going through similar things. I often wonder if the seasons changing also bring ones with depression, some new changes. I cant put my finger on it I just wish to God I didn't have it.

  2. I thought the weather too, Jody. I guess things just get more noticable or something with age. I'm sorry you're having a rough time too. You will be in my prayers. Oh and I wish to God I didn't have it either. Sometimes I'm like "OK God, havent I learned enough out of this yet?" It can be so very name one of many adjectives.

  3. What if I didn't have the words to say but could just sit with you and hold your hand when you needed me.. What if love could cover everything. And even in the raging storm there is that one safe place of comfort, that we find in the strangest of places. I love you just the way you are and I'm so blessed that you are in my life. We are all flawed deeply in some way or another. Imagine if we were all perfect, what a boring world that would be, you'd wanna just smack some smiling stranger, 'just because'... lol

  4. thanks Melinda. thank you for loving me.
